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Agency Creation

Agency Creation

Organization & Structure:
An agency is a concept in business law where one person, called the principal, gives authorization to another person, called the agent, to act on the principal’s behalf. This agent will represent the principal by entering into contractual relationships with third parties. There are certain rules and regulations that will govern the practices of agencies. Oftentimes, when an agency is working on behalf of a principal, it will be the principal that is liable for any damages or errors created by the agent.
Common examples of principle-agent relationships are real estate brokers and consumers, or an attorney-client relationship. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is an agency of the United States Government. The FTC operates under the Government to protect the rights of consumers. 

Types of Agencies: 
There are many different types of agencies that function under the United States Government, such as Federal executive agencies. There are also independent regulatory agencies that function privately from the Government, but are still overseen by Congress. These independent agencies are better equipped to handle certain complicated areas of life. They will operate with little supervision from the Federal Government, but still have the power to enforce legislation. 
Examples of these types of agencies are the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Independent regulatory agencies have a variety of responsibilities, including protecting the environment, protecting consumers, managing America’s space program, and gathering intelligence.

Agency Powers & The Constitution: 
Under the United States Constitution, the Government has the ability to delegate certain responsibilities to Government agencies. The actions of these agencies will be monitored by the Federal Government to ensure that they are acting properly and fulfilling their duties. This is permitted under the Delegation Doctrine of the Constitution. If a Government agency is not acting in accordance with the law, they may be investigated and subject to a process called adjudication.
The formation of a Government agency will be done through enabling legislation. This will give a name to the agency, how and when it will be composed, and the agency’s powers. Government agencies are responsible for three different types of operations: rule-making, enforcement, and adjudication.

What You Need to Know About Product Reviews

What You Need to Know About Product ReviewsWhat are Product Reviews?

ā€˜Product Reviewsā€™ is a term used to define feedback provided by an entity or individual conveying their experience with regard to the usage of a specific product or service.

Within the realm of the commercial marketplace, a variety of institutions and agencies exist that aim to provide advocacy for consumerā€™s rights, as well as the protection of these rights; while institutions rooted in consumer protection and consumer advocacy may vary within structure and administration ā€“ the Better Business Bureau (BBB) operates as a private institution, while the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is administered by the government –  the dedication and commitment to the consumer populace is considered to be a uniform ideology.
As a result, a wide variety of resource tools and information may be provided by such institutions, amongst which Product Reviews are common.

Product Reviews vs. Advertising and Marketing

Many economists, commercial institutions, and members of the consumer populace existing within a commercial marketplace collectively consider the value of Product Reviews to be overwhelmingly vast; commercial response and activity resulting from the publication of Product Reviews may retain drastic impact:

Advertising and Marketing

Advertising and Marketing efforts undertaken by suppliers and manufacturers are methods employed in order to raise a collective awareness of their respective product or service within the commercial marketplace; however, many consumer advocacy groups will not attribute these efforts as objective Product Reviews with regard to products and services available for purchase ā€“ this results from an expressed interest of a supplier to earn a profit through the proliferation of sales.

Competing Markets

In addition to advertising and marketing efforts put forth my suppliers, competing suppliers within that same industry may provide advertising and marketing efforts employed in order to dissuade the purchase of their competitorā€™s products through the release of Product Reviews. Upon releasing Product Reviews focusing on presumed shortcomings latent within their competitorā€™s products, these suppliers may hope to extend the sales of their respective products. However, consumer advocacy groups cite a similar absence of objectivity within these types of Product Reviews, which results from that supplierā€™s secondary gain.

Independent Product Reviews

In contrast to a presumable lack of objectivity inherent within the advertising and marketing efforts of commercial suppliers, independent Product Reviews offered by impartial consumer advocacy groups are considered by many economists to be amongst the most valuable nature of Product Reviews. This value is due to the fact that these consumer advocacy groups and institutions neither retain any interest with regard to a supplierā€™s sales, nor do they possess any secondary gain with regard to the profitability of individual commercial suppliers and manufacturers.

Product Reviews vs. Defamation

The ability to provide unbridled, uncensored, and honest opinions with regard to Product Reviews within the commercial marketplace is a constitutional right granted to every citizen of the United States rooted within the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States; however, the slandering or unjust conveying of libelous sentiment with the expressed intention of causing harm with regard to a specific victim chosen as a result of prejudice, racism, bias, and unlawful resentment is considered to be a crime.

Consumer Law

Consumer Law

Consumer law is a more recent development in the overall world of law. It is a legal subsection which is used in order to secure the rights of consumers through a number of different means. Consumer protection laws were put in order to assure that companies and businesses are aware of their obligations to their consumers.
Through consumer law, issues regarding the companies and the way in which their products are made can be investigated. This is to ensure that all areas of the product and company are checked thoroughly to ensure that they are operating under the law.
The various areas that are often investigated are the warranties and guarantees that are placed on products, the quality of the products themselves, how they handle issues of consumer policy, and various other issues. These areas are important because the company has a responsibility to provide the best quality products and to uphold their agreements regarding the return of products.
Another large aspect of consumer law surrounds the necessity for properly labeling of containers and issues regarding safety. When food is processed or products are made, their containers must have a list of the ingredients that were used in the foods and what makes up the substances in the containers regarding products. This is so consumers understand what is in the products they are purchasing and if there are any hazards of which they should be aware.
Consumer protection laws also help individuals who have purchased contaminated food products or those who have been served with a recall notice for a particular item they have purchased. Overall, consumer protection laws were put in place in order to keep individuals safe and provide for their rights regarding products.

National Consumer Council Purpose

National Consumer Council Purpose

At the most fundamental level, a consumer council is an organization that has been created in order to review products and services, as well as consumer issues. These are important groups because they specialize in specific types of industries and make sure that each of them are operating to the best of their abilities.
However, there is not just one consumer council; there are many.  Often there is a least one consumer council in each state. The focus of the consumer council is dependent upon the type of services and goods that are produced in that region and how the council was established. A national consumer council will govern the entire region and put forth the precedent regarding products and goods, as well as the standards of service.
A national consumer council or a smaller consumer council is not regulated by the United States. Various other nations have consumer councils in order to protect their businesses and consumers.
A consumer council takes information provided by the consumers and looks into the inner machinations of the business itself. If there are any questions, complaints, or problems that consumers are consistently having, the consumer council raises these issues first. This is to ensure that the problem is rectified in a quick manner and that the company retains their marketability.
Consumer councils have been found around the nation regarding water plants, HIV-related products and services, services for mental disabilities, and various other goods and services. This helps to give a scope of the companies and initiatives for which consumer councils can be designated. 

Read This Before Filing A Consumer Complaints

Read This Before Filing A Consumer Complaints

When it comes to businesses that supply goods and services to the public, one of the most difficult but necessary aspects to deal with is that of a consumer complaint. A consumer complaint is a negative statement or opinion based upon the experience of the consumer. It can be about the quality of a product or service, issues regarding delivery, the status of availability, and various other issues a consumer can have.
Consumer complaints can be formally filed through the customer service department of a store, like those that are found in retail stores. For stores without customer service departments, the consumer complaints can be brought up to management or to their corporate offices in order to inform the executives of the issues.
Often, these cases can be resolved through some type of exchange, compensation, or discount, at least when it comes to stores. The reason a consumer complaint has to be taken care of quickly and satisfactorily is in order to ensure individuals will return. This helps to keep a strong client base and keeps the reputation of the business in good standing with the public.
However, for businesses and companies that do not quickly and appropriately address complaints, there are often negative remarks left on the websiteā€™s forums and on various other consumer websites. This helps to promote a negative image for the business. However, for the consumers this can be a positive thing because it allows for them to read about potential issues that they may come across regarding goods and services.

Consumer Credit Quick Overview

Consumer Credit Quick Overview

Consumer credit is a type of financial system in which an individual borrows money from a lender in order to pay for goods or services. Typically consumer credit is not solely grouped in with that of homeowner credit and other larger scale lender or creditor purchases. Instead, it applies to both larger and smaller scale purchases.
Consumer credit is often for personal use. This type of credit is used for goods and services that might not be considered a necessity in a household, but instead more of a luxury. Aside from large necessities like a home and an automobile, consumer debt goes to all the purchases that are made on credit cards for material goods like clothing, computers, shoes, toys, games, tools, and anything else in the world an individual may want to buy.
A Consumer Credit Union is a type of banking system in which individuals can be approved for credit and credit limits. This is so a person can purchase what they want when they want. However, they incur interest fees and end up paying more for the purchase than originally intended.
Irresponsible consumer debt can often lead to serious legal issues such as repossession of the property, more debts, and other issues. This happens because people do not understand how credit cards and debt work. The money needs to be paid back to the Consumer Credit Union or other type of financial bank in order for more available credit. Without paying, the individual could eventually incur jail time for negligence.



Consumers can be an individual, household, or specific group of people who utilize specific goods and services. This is a very broad category of individuals, and everyone at some point in time fits into this category.
Consumers are individuals who exchange money for particular goods or services. For example, a person who buys a coffee at the local Dunkin Donuts every day can be considered a consumer. This is because this individual is purchasing a good from the company in exchange for money.
Consumers do not have to buy physical objects; they can also be the recipients of services. For instance, anyone who has a television and contract with a television service can be considered a consumer. They are paying a monthly fee in order to be provided with television programming.
When it comes to businesses, consumers are often the most important part of the industry. This is because the consumer is the person who is going to purchase the product or use the service. The market has to be made accessible and appealing to people in order for the business to be successful.
However, a consumer has a number of rights under the law and the various companies have to make sure that while they are attempting to entice individuals into buying their products, they are also making sure to operate within the legal rights of the consumers.
In the United States a consumer can be a singular body or an entire household, while in other nations the title of consumer is reserved only for individual people.

Consumer Rights

Consumer Rights

Before the 20th Century, consumers had few rights when it came to products and goods. If they purchased goods that were broken or faulty or if they enlisted services that did not work as they has wished and were advertised, there was not much a consumer could do legally to have the situation rectified.
However, in the 20th Century consumer rights laws were created in order to better protect consumers and to ensure that businesses had to treat costumers more fairly regarding products, services, and help if the products were not satisfactory.
The basis of the movement started around the 1950s and has continued to be an important factor in today’s legal and business worlds.
Consumers’ rights are outlined into six larger categories. These are the basic rights that every individual has regarding products and services on the market today. These rights are: to be safe, to be able to choose freely, to be heard, to be informed, to receive education, and to receive service.
When it comes to consumer rights, the right to be safe is one of the most well-known and utilized rights. This refers to the safety and quality of products. If companies fail to make safe products, the consumer has a right to compensation of some kind.
The right to choose freely and the right to be heard are two important rights. This is where a consumer is assured that they have options regarding a good or service; that there is no monopoly. And the right to be heard is when the individual has a complaint regarding the products.
The rights to be informed and to education are both ways in which the consumer can become better acquainted with the products and the marketplace in order to make informed decisions about what goods work best for them.
The right to service is the obligation of the business to respond to the needs of the consumer. This is often carried through a warranty or various other legal documents stating that the business will provide service for the individual upon request regarding their products.
All of these consumer rights are important in order to keep consumers from being dominated by the businesses and their tactics.

NJ Division of Consumer Affairs

NJ Division of Consumer Affairs

The New Jersey (NJ) Division of Consumer Affairs is an agency that works towards the protection of consumers and the greater public from fraud, deceit, and misrepresentation when it comes to sales of goods and services.
When it comes to this Agency there are several different subdivisions and units that can be found under the title of NJ Division of Consumer Affairs. These different divisions or units are the: NJ Bureau of Securities, Office of Consumer Protection, and Alternative Dispute Resolution.
One of the resources provided through the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs is that there is a comprehensive list of the types of services or companies that are overseen by this Agency. Each particular section gives information regarding the contact that can help with this particular section and what exactly the section does.
For example, under the listing of ā€œKā€ is kosher food. There is a kosher food enforcement unit which looks after the regulations of those who are selling kosher foods to ensure that they are practicing under the legal standards. There is contact information available to help individuals learn about the kosher food regulations and ask questions about the practice.
Under the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs there is even a department specifically for the regulation and oversight of legalized gaming. This is to ensure that gaming remains fair and that any money that is made off of gaming is used properly.
Overall, the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs works to protect the rights of individuals through the regulation of goods and services.

All You Need to Know About the Consumer Affairs

All You Need to Know About the Consumer Affairs

The Department of Consumer Affairs is an important agency that works to provide information to consumers on every level in order to help them better protect their rights regarding businesses, scams, and various other issues.
Consumer affairs, first and foremost, helps consumers answer the questions that they cannot answer themselves. When a consumer comes to the Department of Consumer Affairs, this is typically after they have already tried to answer their own questions and found that they are still unsure.
Through the Department of Consumer Affairs a number of different informational resources were brought together in order to help individuals learn about different issues regarding large and small businesses. There is a section that is dedicated to listing common complaints about certain companies. This is a way for consumers to learn the issues others have had before deciding to purchase or contract for services or products through certain companies.
For example, Consumer Affairs has information about virus scanning and software programs that are commonly advertised throughout computer ads. This information helps individuals find out what programs are good and which ones are scams.
There are also listings of recalls to automobiles, toys, baby products, and various other products. Recalls are important to abide by because this means that a product is faulty or has a known issue and needs to be repaired. Consumer affairs can give consumers information about recalls and how they can gain compensation that they need in order to continue in their normal routine. Overall, consumer affairs helps to make sure the public is informed about scams, fraud, recalls, and many issues which are potentially harmful.

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