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Product Liability

Product Liability Law

Product Liability Law

Product liability law is an important law that helps to protect consumers from the effects of dangerous or unsafe products, while holding the manufacturers, distributors, and various other groups accountable for the injuries sustained because of the faulty product. Product liability cases can be built out of three main arguments: there is a design flaw in the product, a manufacturing mistake with the physical contents, or that there was a “failure to warn” regarding the labeling of danger on the product’s packaging.
Product liability law helps individuals who have been injured by products to be able to secure their rights and receive compensation for these issues. There have been a number of product liability cases in the United States regarding products that have caused serious injury and the companies have been taken to court.
One of the most famous product liability cases came in 1994 when a woman sued McDonald’s for $2 million because she had purchased a coffee from McDonald’s and spilled it in her lap while driving. She won this case on the grounds of a “failure to warn”. Essentially, she proved to the court that McDonald’s beverages were hot, but that there was no warning on the cup that they were hot. Because of this, she suffered severe burns and serious pain.
Throughout the nation there have been numerous product liability cases that have stemmed from similar types of incidents.

Consumer Product Safety

Consumer Product Safety

Consumer product safety is one of the key areas of interest regarding products that are created in the United States. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is an agency that examines a number of different products that are made in the United States in order to review and assess the safety of these products.
Products that are reviewed by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission can be anything from paints, cleaning chemicals, toys, tools, building supplies, gas, and various others. Each of these researched areas are imperative to ensure the health and safety of individuals in the United States.
One of the largest focuses is on the items that children come into contact with when they are younger. By taking a close look at toys, sleep aids, and various other products, the Commission can make sure that all potential dangers are addressed in order to keep the young ones safe.
Another agency that provides information regarding products and safety issues is the Consumer Federation of America. This is an agency devoted to providing information to American families regarding products on a large and small scale. They provide information about recalls, new studies, and news regarding products.
The Consumer Federation of America is important because it is the agency that has been redefining the way the public is informed about all aspects of consumer goods which are used by the American public.

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